About Our Parish

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The Saint John the Evangelist of Today

Today St. John the Evangelist stands as a small parish of three-hundred active families in a cohesive and culturally diverse community of faith. The vibrant Hispanic and Filipino communities draw families from much of the North Peninsula, especially when we congregate for tri-lingual Thanksgiving, Christmas, Holy Week, San Lorenzo de Ruiz and numerous other celebrations. These liturgies highlight a community which not only respects its diversity but uses that diversity at the center of its Christian religious worship. The grade school continues with its high and modern standards of Catholic education. The Saint Bincent de Paul Society Conference of St. John's serves the poor of the parish and surrounding districts with food and clothing as no other parish of its size provides. The Knights of Columbus Council 615, which is centered out of St. John's, recently celebrated its 115th anniversary and conitunes as one of the preeminent councils in the western United States. The former high school continues as a center of education by providing facility to the Electricians Apprenticeship program.

St. John's remains a community fully supporting its foundational values. Through the financial sacrifices of parishioners we maintain and perate the Church and buildings wiouth debt. Through the personal sacrafices and dedication of our clergy we have a full schedule of Sunday, Holy Day and daily worship and devotions available to parishionrers. Our ministerial participation represents a very large portion of our parishioners. Our daily masses illustrate the religious participation of our community as no parish of our size with an average daily mass attendance of fifty to sixty parishioners.

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